Friday, January 9, 2009

How to become successful developer in less then 5 minutes

Miracle? Not really. In this article I will show you how to.

Just follow these five steps:
1) Find at Joomla! Extension Directory some succesfull extension. For example Jumi module 1.2.0, Jumi plugin 1.2.1 (or JBookmarks or Google map plugin or something like this).
2) Download the extension.
3) In the downloaded files substitute all information about the author and extension name and its version by yours.own ones. No need to change anything else. For example change Jumi to JRool (or JBookmarks to JShare or Google map to JMap). Choosing the eye catching name is the most difficult task in this kind of the "development".
4) Publish the extension in JED and your pages.
5) Be proud to your hard work.

You are saying it is unethical? That it is code robbery?
Bah! Who cares? is successful developer of JRool, JShare and JMap.
I bet it took them less them 5 minutes to achieve this highly wanted peak.

The same happened with GTranslate: Pradhan Manish "developed" Automatic Google Translator V2, which is actually modified GTranslate, I asked JED Team to unpublish it, but... (added by edo888)


Paulo Jorge Izidoro said...

JED team had always unpublished extensions when its a copied version. Always. The hard part its to verify all the claims! And a decision requires that both part respond.
Your claim was received, emails had been changed.
I think that your final sentence: "I asked JED Team to unpublish it, but... " its not fair. Specially after the "That it is code robbery?
Bah! Who cares?". JED Cares.

edo888 said...

I know JED team cares, but I reported this on Dec 21, 2008 but till now, the copied extensions is in JED. 'but...' means, that I'm waiting a long time and there is no answer from JED team.

Do you have somebody who is working on staff like this?

Please don't get us wrong, we are just trying to protect ourselves and we are expecting that JED will protect us too.

Martin Hájek (MarHaj) said...

I am open minded and ready to change my point of view when I see the result.

I was just informed all criticized extensions were unpublished.
Now I really can say to anybody that JED is really one who cares.

Nice to see, really nice, that the world is a better place for living that I thought a week ago.

Unknown said...

I would not recommend this approach

The developer who remove copyrights without permission from the code will probably not be able to list any more extensions in JED (and all his extensions will be removed). We also don't allow direct copies of extensions, even if the GPL license permits it (see the forking rules)

And yes, we care. This is something very important for everyone, the 3rd party developers and the community.

Normally we handle such issues very fast. In the case of edo888, it has taken way to much time which I'm very sorry for.

edo888 said...

While I was waiting JED to react, the new GTranslate copy comes to the world, this time it's PhpLinguist by Krzysztof Wesolowski.

I asked Ken McDonald about his opinion on the case with AGTranslator and he is agree that it's modified GTranslate and reported it on JED.

I'm still waiting...

Unknown said...

Hi Edo,

This is incredible, and I would like to spend a post on JFoobar on this specific case. Can you contact me in private, so I can gather some details?

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Wilco

edo888 said...

Hi Wilco,

Thanks for your interest on this case, I wrote a PM to you on Joomla forum.

Today Geoff Cheung informed me that AGTranslator is unpublished, for which I'm very thankful. Now I'm waiting for the second one to be unpublished, it's PhpLinguist.

I want to thank Ken McDonald, who confirmed that AGTranslator is a modification of GTranslate and reported it on JED.

And of course I'm thankful to Martin Hajek, who wrote this incredible post and advised me to contact kenmcd, who did more than he must on Joomify case.



edo888 said...

PhpLinguist is unpublished from JED, thanks to Toni Marie, Victor Drover and all the JED Team for taking time on this case.

anthony said...

Very nice article. Hope this would help to those who want to become a Joomla developer.

Joomla Designer

edo888 said...

You must be kidding! :)

edo888 said...

Another similar story:
Inspired, copied or plain stolen...